Stack Bash - Master data structures and algorithms

Longest common subsequence

Let's say you're given two strings. Find the longest common subsequence of the two strings.
The longest common subsequence of two strings is the length of the longest substring of string 1 that exists in the same order in string 2, regardless of the distance between the characters.
Here are some examples:
  1. The longest common subsequence of cat and dog is 0.
  2. The longest common subsequence of AABDF and BODLF is 2, (BD).
  3. The longest common subsequence of CVBNC and COBONAC is 4, (CBNC).
  4. The longest common subsequence of BLOG and OGBL is 2, (OG and BL).

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8 Essential Recursion & Dynamic Programming Coding Interview Problems

Master Recursion & Dynamic Programming by trying the coding challenges below.
  1. 1.FibonacciEasy
  2. 2.Unique pathsMedium
  3. 3.KnapsackMedium
  4. 4.Subset sumMedium
  5. 5.Power setMedium
  6. 6.Coin changeMedium
  7. 7.Word breakHard
  8. 8.Longest common subsequenceHard

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Stack Bash helps new and veteran software engineers master data structures and algorithms for technical interviews.