Stack Bash - Master data structures and algorithms

String Data Structure

A string is a data type thats represented by an array of characters.
In Python, each character follows the unicode standard, which is a standardized list of characters (including emojis).
Strings are immutable, which means they cannot be modified.
So unlike arrays, updating a position in a string is not allowed:
Immutability also implies that some Pythonic operations, such as string concatenation, actually allocates new memory to create the resulting concatenated string.
Since using + to concatenate strings is costly, it's often better to operate on an array instead, and use join at the end.
Under the hood, Python's join allocates a mutable bytearray, and updates each position with the byte representation of each character, including those of the separator, before converting back into a string.
Therefore, Python's join concatenates strings in linear time.

Useful Python String Functions

1. ord()

Use ord to convert a unicode character into its unicode code.
Python's ord is often useful to represent characters as integers, or access a character that is a specific distance away from another character.

2. chr()

Opposite of ord, use chr to convert an integer that represents a unicode code to its unicode character.

6 Essential Strings Coding Interview Problems

Master Strings by trying the coding challenges below.
  1. 1.Reverse StringEasy
  2. 2.AnagramEasy
  3. 3.Reverse wordsMedium
  4. 4.String matchMedium
  5. 5.CompressionMedium
  6. 6.One edit awayHard

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